Company A has received cash of $40,000 from his customers. However, the company actually has done all work satisfactorily and the customers have acknowledged the work done which the company can billed for another $20,000. Furthermore, the expenses for the $20,000 work-done has been taken up into the books of account. Question: Should the company just close their accounting book by presently its income as $40,000 for the cash received or should it be $40,000+$20,000 =$60,000 Answer: Based on this concept, the company has actually completed all work done, also, the work done have being acknowledged by the customers, hence income of $60,000 should be taken up and not just the cash received. |
Company A has billed customers for $100,000. Total supplier bills paid was $50,000 but there are some suppliers bills not paid amounting to another $15,000 Question: The company’s income is undisputed by $100,000 but what should its book show for expenses-is it only $50,000 being invoices paid or is it all inclusive of the other $15,000 Answer: As the total supplier bills should be $50,000+$15,000=$65,000, the company should based on this concept to accrue for the balance of the bills not being paid. |