Jokes/Humor Section

Laughter is the best medicine! Humor makes you young and reduces stress when you study or work. Take a few minutes to relieve yourself by reading the following jokes/humors Food that cause grief and suffering and a catholic heart attack(updated-26/11/2009) Lying To Your Mother Young Man In Love Starting Out New Women Smartness The Good … Read more

Motivational Or Inspirational Stories

Read the following inspirational or motivational stories/fables so as to POSITIVELY CHARGE up your life, balanced your time and your family/loved one !! Stories: Bill Gates 11 Rules(24/2/2009) A Nice Story To Ponder On (Updated 3/2/09) Very Touching Story Of A Mother Love The SMART Mother (updated:26/11/2009) The Burnt Toast-A touching story(updated:26/11/2009)   Appreciate Everything … Read more

A Mother's Love

My mom only had one eye. I hated her…she was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to say hello to me I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? I ignored her, threw … Read more

Sending Free Greeting Cards

Greeting cards are important social networking tools!! Send the below lovely greeting cards to your loved one, your contacts, your teachers, your friends, relatives on all different types of occasions. Build your social networking both for your friendship and careers. There is no cost at all !     Anniversary At Work   Birthday   … Read more

Answer to Accounting Test No IR3 On Incomplete Records

The steps are:  (a)  from the question, inserts all the figures for both assets and liabilities and use the the capital at the end of financial year 2 to balance the Statement Of Affairs. (b)   after (a),use the simple formulae to compute the Net profit which is =(closing capital + drawings) minus (opening capital + … Read more

Listing Of Topics Under Heading Motivation

Append below a listing of topics covered under the heading Motivation Topics On Motivation 1.0 The Importance Of Motivation and The Different Type Of Motivational Theory 2.0 Mcgregor-Theory X and Theory Y 3.0 Herberg’s Theory Of Motivation 4.0 Maslows-Motivation Theory Of Hierarchy Of Needs 5.0 Monistic Or Economic Theory of Motivation 6.0 McClelland Needs Theory … Read more

What is Terminal Cash Flows In Capital Budgeting Analysis?

Append below the explanation of terminal cash flows and a simple example as illustration: Terminal Cash Flows: Is the last stage of a project’s cash flows re: the cash flows that will occur only at the project’s termination/ending. Examples are: salvage/scrap value of new machines less tax and net working capital recovered Illustration: Company XYZ … Read more

Guidelines In Capital Budgeting Analysis

As capital budgeting involves substantial initial outlay and years( at least more than one year) to reap the benefits, it is critically important to understand some of the cardinal principles or rules or guidelines when performing this capital budgeting exercise. Append below in brief pertaining to:   GUIDELINES/PRINCIPLES ON THE CAPITAL BUDGETING ANALYSIS   Guideline … Read more

Capital Budgeting Process, Types Of Capital Projects And Types Of Capital Budgeting Decisions

Earlier article explain what’s capital budgeting and its importance. Append below explains the process, types of capital projects and capital budgeting decisions a firm needs to embark on: Capital Budgeting Process Involves : ·               Generating long-term investment proposals which are consistent with a firm’s long term objectives ·              Estimating the relevant after-tax incremental cash flows … Read more