All Topics On Balanced Scorecard

As described, setting up a proper Balanced Scorecard System will enable companies to achieve their visions and missions. Listed below are all the topics on Balanced Scorecard:   BALANCED SCORECARD 1.0 An Introduction To Balanced Scorecard 2.0 Sources or references for the matrix measurement used in the Balanced Scorecard as key performance indicators 3.0 How … Read more

The Integrated Approach Of Using The Four Key Components In The Balance Scorecard To Achieve Company’s Strategic Goals

From earlier articles, we understand that a balanced scorecard looks at the following four fundamental performance areas of an organization and set major/crucial measures/matrix/key performance indicators for them:-   1. Financial performance 2. Customer satisfaction 3. Internal operations 4. Learning and innovation By taking such integrated approach, the Balanced Scorecard is able to balance the … Read more

What Are Some Of The Critical Success Factors Of Implementing/ Establishing A Balanced Scorecard System

From earlier articles, we see that a proper Balance Scorecard System when properly implemented will be an extremely useful tool for an organization to relate the following:   Strategic management process Performance management Communication tool   The ultimate purpose is that all level of management should worked together to achieve the visions/goals.   CRITICAL SUCCESS … Read more

What Are The Challenges In International Business?

    The three main challenges that international firms may encountered are as follows:     PHYSICAL CHALLENGE Examples are: Natural resources, climate, location, terrorism, natural disasters, geographical barriers SOCIAL CHALLENGE Examples are: Culture, legal, different political systems, nationalization and economy COMPETITIVE CHALLENGE Examples are: Price, Firm’s size, market size, competitors, firm’s strategy, cost-effectiveness   … Read more

The Different Type of Risk

In earlier article, we understand the many benefits accrued from managing risk. In this article, we move on to understand the different  type of risk, a business can be involved with. Broadly speaking, risk can be grouped into the following type: TYPES OF RISK   1.0 Market Risk which relates to business environment, industry,  political … Read more

The Importance And Benefits of Managing Risk

It is imperative that we should understand the importance of risk management. In fact there are numerous benefits derive from proper risk management. Lets look at some of the following benefits: BENEFITS OF MANAGING RISK/RISK MANAGEMEN   Once we have established a sound risk management culture into the organisation’s business framework, it promote productivity in … Read more

Topics on Branding Strategy

As described, branding strategy is one of utmost important business strategy that Management should embark on. Listed below are all the topics on Branding:   BRANDING AS A BUSINESS STRATEGY 1.0 The Importance of Branding As part Of business strategy 2.0 The different types of Branding Strategies 3.0 The Different method Of Valuing Brand 4.0 … Read more

The Role Of A Brand Manager

Managing brand(s) in reality is a process constantly requiring daily decision, hence some companies appoint brand manager to be responsible for the development and performance of the brand or a portfolio of brands. This article is to briefly understand some of the major role played by a brand manager. MAJOR ROLES OF A BRAND MANAGER … Read more

The Importance of Continual Improvement on Branding

As discussed, managing a brand is a constant process of daily decisions to develop and ensure our brand performs better than our competitors. Therefore, in the continuous improvement process, we should at least review/re-look into the following questions: CHECKLIST ON CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT/REVIEW ON BRANDING What is our brand vision? · How does it relate to … Read more

Types Of Brand Building Strategies

There are a few approaches on brand building strategies: Product branding Product-line branding Product-range branding Corporate branding The characteristic of the various brand building strategies are discussed below. PRODUCT BRANDING STRATEGY This type of brand give each individual product an exclusive brand name and the company name being ignored It allows the brand to have unique … Read more