What Are Some Of The Items That Need To Be Included In The Partnership Agreement. If the event where there is no such partnership agreement, how does this being covered under the Malaysian Partnership Act 1961,

Answer: What items to be included in a usual partnership agreement? Generally, the following are the important items that need to be included in any partnership agreement: Amount of capital to be contributed by individual partner; Profit sharing ratio; Salaries to be paid to the partners; Interest on capital contributed; Interest on loans from partners … Read more

What is Money Laundering? How Does Money Laundering Works?

We frequently hear term money laundering and the extreme of these money being used for terrorism purpose. Regulators in US, UK and many other countries have instituted strict law and regulation of which the responsibility is placed heavily on financial institutions to have controls in place so as to frustrate such money laundering activities and identify … Read more

Checklist of Accounting Fraud: How Fraud Occurs- Disclosure Fraud

Example of such Accounting Fraud AREAS AND COMMON METHODS USED TO FRAUD Bre-X Minerals   AREA: OVERALL MISREPRESENTATION There are three (3) categories of disclosure frauds which comprises the following: Overall misrepresentations about the nature of the company or its products, usually made through news reports, interviews, annual reports, and elsewhere Misrepresentations in the management … Read more

Checklist of Accounting Fraud: How Fraud Occurs-Manipulating Stocks And Cost Of Goods

Example of such Accounting Fraud AREAS AND COMMON METHODS USED TO FRAUD PharMor     AREA: MANIPULATION OF INVENTORY AND OR COST OF GOODS SOLD Over-counting physical inventory, Over-valuation of inventory, Not writing off obsolete inventory, Not providing for slow-moving inventory, Incorrect costing of inventory, Record fictitious inventory into the books of account, Under-record purchases, … Read more

Checklist of Accounting Fraud: How Fraud Occurs-Understating Liabilities / Expense Fraud

Example of such Accounting Fraud AREAS AND COMMON METHODS USED TO FRAUD Enron   AREA: UNDERSTATING LIABILITIES/EXPENSE FRAUD Not recording accounts payable Not recording accrued liabilities Recording unearned revenues as earned Not recording warranty or service liabilities Not recording loans or keep liabilities off the books Not recording contingent liabilities

Checklist of Accounting Fraud: How Fraud Occurs- Overstating Assets

Example of such Accounting Fraud AREAS AND COMMON METHODS USED TO FRAUD WorldCom   AREA: OVERSTATING ASSETS Overstatement of current assets (e.g. marketable securities) Overstating pension assets Capitalizing as assets amounts that should be expensed Failing to record depreciation/amortization expense Overstating assets through mergers and acquisitions Overstating inventory and receivables

Checklist of Accounting Fraud: How Fraud Occurs-The Manipulating Revenue and Accounts Receivable

Example of such Accounting Fraud   AREAS AND COMMON METHODS USED TO FRAUD     GLOBAL CROSSING &  QUEST   AREA: SALES MANIPULATION Recording fictitious revenue ( related parties, sales with conditions, consignment or sham sales), Recognize revenues too early by having improper cut-off, Overstating real revenue by altering contracts and inflating the amount, etc) … Read more