What College Accounting Coach Site Offers:
College Accounting Coach site an online business accounting website offers ABSOLUTELY FREE accountancy subjects on four (4) cores subjects namely business accounting,cost accounting,managerial accounting and financial management. Besides these four core subjects, we have other supplementary accounting subjects. College Accounting Coach guarantees that there is absolutely no hidden cost when learning from this online business accountancy site. All e-books, accounting test question papers and revision papers whether they are business accounting ,cost accounting, managerial accounting or financial management can be downloaded free of charge!
Targeted Audience:
College Accounting Coach site is particularly useful to those who are:
- Colleges accountancy students;
- Those who are taking accounting courses to prepare for the examinations in the LCCI(London Chamber Of Commerce), CAT(Certified Accounting Technician) or Diploma in Financial Management or
- Foundation accounting/accountancy courses in the ACCA, ICMA or other professional bodies and
- Last but not least, for those without any accounting background but eager to learn the basic of bookkeeping, business accounting ,basic accounting concepts or principles and cost & managerial accounting whether to enhance their knowledge or to aid them in their business dealing.
Objectives and What are offer in our College Accounting Coach’s site:
The main objective of this free online business accounting site is to enable readers to build up a sound foundation in the core subjects of bookkeeping, business accounting, cost and managerial accounting and financial management and.
Also other related accountancy subjects are given here which are categorized as follows:
- Basic Business Strategy, Elements of Business Laws, Elements of Marketing, International Business, Malaysian Company Law, Elements Of Management & Organizational Behaviors and Principles Of Economics
- Financial or Accountancy Mathematics,
- Information and Management Systems, External, Internal & Forensic Audits, Corporate Governance, Risk Management, ISO 9000 and fraud/creative accounting
{ The above-mentioned related accountancy subjects are included in this accounting site to augment or to give a more rounded knowledge to the accountancy students and readers.}
What are offered or included in this accounting site:
- List of Accounting Courses for colleges,
- Case studies are included to allow them to brainstorm certain Accounting / finance / business topics together,
- A section on Accounting Courses/examinations where topics like how to become CA/ CPA, etc of professional accounting bodies { ICAEW (ACA) , ACCA, ICMA, and others}. Included herewith a section on Accounting News on the various accountancy professional bodies.
- Progressively including a lot of FREE Accounting Test Question Papers (with answers) to let readers do more practicing as accountancy subjects really are practical subjects.
- FREE Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting and Managerial Accounting e-books are also progressively been included to help those students and tutors who want to print out hard copies instead of sticking to the desktops/computers.
- Revision papers in terms of short salient points and dos and don’t are included for last minute absorption by students who are getting ready for forthcoming exams.
- A revision programe of accounting and cost accounting topics are included for students to be prepared when going to attend the examination of any foundation accounting papers.
- Dictionary of accounting, costing and managerial accounting term to facilitate a snapshot of what being learned;
- A list of formulas – costing and managerial accounting to facilitate a quick review for examination purposes
- To enhance students understanding pertaining to the Accounting profession, a section on Careers in Accounting is included so that those who are exploring the job option in Accounting at least have a better grasp of what are required whether in terms of skill-sets, type of accounting, etc. In addition, articles on Big Accounting Four and article-ships, approved employer organization, news on reputable or world ranking colleges and universities are also include in this accounting and finance site.
- Linking to certain articles to the author’s other blog viz. http://fmaccounting.com to give more or clearer pictures of the articles mentioned. Incidentally this http://fmaccounting.com is for those aspiring accountants who wish to enhance their skill-sets in their work-place.
The thrust of this College Accounting Coach site is as follows:
(1) Articles on basic financial accounting, the format is displayed as simple as possible, like notes with points form and salient points and illustrations wherever possible;
(2) Articles on cost concept, classification ,costing techniques, etc and other managerial accounting subjects with similar format like basic financial accounting;
(3) Basic financial management topics like working capital management, time value, future value and net present value and many others;
(4) Basic financial or accountancy mathematics;
(5) Articles on Management Information Systems, audits, fraud/creative accounting, quality, etc
(6) Question bank which includes answers for those who wish to fine-tune what they have learned;
(7) Revision accounting/costing/managerial accounting notes for last minute revision;
(8) Dictionary of accounting, costing and managerial accounting term to facilitate a snapshot of what being learned;
(9) A list of formulas – costing and managerial accounting to facilitate a quick review for examination purposes.
(10) Career in Accounting for readers to have a better grasp of the Accounting Profession;
(11) FREE e-books on bookkeeping, financial accounting, cost accounting & managerial accounting, accountancy mathematics, etc are progressively included
TESTIMONIALS from readers ( worldwide)
Based on the numerous encouraging comments/testimonials from students or readers from all over the world, we are indeed happy that this College Accounting Coach site is serving its main purpose of sharing free online business accounting whether to those who just started in learning accounting or those who are taking their college or other relevant accountancy examinations.
Sometimes, some considered accounting as quite boring hence, we have included sections on humour, inspiration stories or fables, wise words from religions, motivation phrases and brain teasers or puzzles to challenge or uplift the study spirits of the readers of this College Accounting Coach site.
Bless you & Happy Reading!
Contact Details
If there are any problems regarding Basic College Accounting, feel free to contact the administrator at admin [at] is-there [dot] net. Please substitute the bracketed contents with their appropriate substitute, i.e. [at] = “@”, and [dot] = “.” (without the quotes).