Once we understand properly the total costs of holding stock, we will able to enhance our appreciation for better inventory control re: to maintain stock at a proper level to meet the company’s business requirements.
The costs of holding stock can be categorized into 3 types:
Also known as carrying costs which include the following:
· Interest on capital invested in the stocks; · Storage charges ( rent, lighting, heating, refrigeration, air-conditioning and others); · Warehouse manpower, equipment maintenance and running costs; · Handling costs; · Audit, stocktaking or perpetual inventory costs; · Insurance, security and others; · Deterioration and obsolescence and · Pilferage, vermin damage and others
Also known as Ordering costs which includes · Clerical and administrative costs associated with the purchasing, accounting and goods received departments; · Where goods are manufactured internally, the set up and tooling costs associated with each production run. |
Stock out costs are associated with running out of stock. As a result if insufficient/stock out situation, the company will lose a lot of opportunity costs which includes the following:
· Lost of future sales as unhappy customers will go away; · Loss of customer goodwill; · Cost of production stoppages caused by stockouts of raw materials and or work-in-products; · Lost contribution through lost sales; · Extra costs associated with urgent, often small quantity, replenishment purchases which includes freight and or courier charges instead of the normal cheaper shipping and normal transportation costs; · Production workers will be frustrated if their wages are based on pieces or overtime rate. |