Careers In Accounting: Skills and Talents (Part 2)

What do you think are the attributes, skills and talents required of an aspiring good Accountant whether he/she opts to be in the different major fields mentioned in my article in Part 1?

Check this out from the following table:



Analytical skills


Computer skills




Communication skills


Ability to synthesize


Team Oriented/player

Very important


Very High

People skills


Sales skills


Creative ability


  • Persons planning a career in accounting should have an aptitude for mathematics and be able to analyze, compare, and interpret facts and figures quickly;
  • They must be able to clearly communicate the results of their work to clients and managers both verbally and in writing;
  • Accountants and auditors must be good at working with people, as well as with business systems and computers. At a minimum, accountants should be familiar with basic accounting software packages.
  • Because financial decisions are made on the basis of their statements and services, accountants and auditors should have high standards of integrity.
  • Innovative in terms of constantly keeping abreast of the latest in the accounting arenas like whether in terms of accounting standards, accounting best practises, latest software and hardware (Oracle, SAP, etc) and
  • Constantly and consistently keeping to deadlines (accountants need to strictly adhere to those month end, quarterly, half yearly and year end closes) and
  • A good team player as he or she is part of the Accounting team


(a) Go to this article to see how a Professional Accounting Body namely  MICPA says about the qualities of a CPA

(b) Go to this article to see how a Big Accounting Four firm viz KPMG Malaysia says about the attributes (with  questions) or personal and professional qualities require when recruiting staff.

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