Essential Features Of A Closed Loop Feedback Control System

Essential features includes:

  1. a clear and concise statement about the goals, targets or objectives to be achieved
  2. a facility and an ability to measure the actual state of the process being controlled
  3. communication channels facilitating the feedback of the actual stage of the process to a recorder and back to the control unit
  4. an ability and facility to compare the set goal or desired value with the actual state of the process
  5. an ability to take appropriate remedial action as a result of any difference between the desired value and the actual state of the process

Differences between an Open loop system and a Closed Loop Control System :

  • An open loop system is a control system in which remedial or corrective action is not automatic but depends on intervention from without the system. Control action is implemented without reference to the actual state of the process which effectively means that the decisions themselves are considered not to influence any remedial action whilst
  • A closed loop control system is a system where the output is fed back to the input so that the system’s output can affect its input. Thus control action is implemented which may be modified as a result of any difference between the desired value and actual state of a system.


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