Revision Study Tips

Extracted below are some examination tips:-

  1. Revise thoroughly
The best way is to practise as many relevant past exam questions as possible, answering the questions in full and spending time learning from the solution.
  1. Prepare summary notes
  • Using summary notes can help to achieve exam success.
  • For each exam, prepare notes covering the most important topics and formulas for each part of the syllabus.
  • Make sure that you know these important basics and then could expand your  learning around these topics by doing past exams papers and identifying areas that needed further attention.
  • Also read your summary notes just before the exam to refresh your mind.
  1. Practise past exam questions
By practising a lots of question practice, it help oneself to obtain a better understanding of how to approach different scenarios and different question types
  1. Make and memorise mind maps
Try using a combination of mind maps and mental rehearsals. Mind mapping involves extracting key words for a particular topic and linking them in such a way that you are able to recall and explain the concept simply by looking at the mind mapWith the mind maps at hand, review them frequently, and mentally rehearse them by ‘lecturing’ these ideas to yourself, as if you are teaching those concepts to a class.When the exams are nearing, make sure you have memorised all the mind maps and are able to recall them.  

  1. Know your learning style and plan accordingly
It is important to know your learning style and plan accordingly in order to get the most out of your revision.In addition, tackling past exam questions under time-constrained conditions, and asking a friend to mark your answer will help you to perfect your exam technique. Poor exam technique is one of the most common reasons for exam failure.
  1. Plan your time well
It is important to plan your time well. Work out how much time you can devote to studying each day and week. Be realistic, allow time for relaxation and increase study time as you get nearer to the exam date.
  1. Post revision sheets around your house and desk at work
If you find it difficult to remember proformas and different tax rules.To overcome this, you can copy the proformas, tax rules, and rates on to sheets of A4 and posts these sheets around your house and office to remember the key information.
  1. Explain concepts to others as if you were a teacher
The best revision and memory skills are related to how well you are able to explain concepts to others. For theoretical topics, you can read and pick out the main points and then discuss them as if you are the teacher of a class. You can ask questions and you answer them too. I have found this to be very effective, because you don’t have to rely on the written word, you will be able to explain in your own words, and in effect, apply what you learn.
  1. Record and listen to a revision tape
For some, using a walkman can be a useful tool for revision purpose.You can make notes on a tape and listen to them on the walkman as you fall asleep.
  1. Take short breaks after 30-minute study periods
Understands the importance of not overloading the brain during study sessions.Generally, the mind can only concentrate well for 30 minutes. So it is important to take a short break after every half-hour of study. This gives you time to reflect on the material studied and helps it to sink in.

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