Different Types Of Leadership Styles

According to Peter F. Drucker, “ Leadership is the lifting of man’s sight to higher vision, the raising of a man’s standard to higher performance, the building of man’s personality beyond its normal limitations. Leadership is thus essential if the organizations are to be more than warehouses for machines.”

Unfortunately, leadership styles differ according to relative proportions of authority and persuasion used to influence followers.

Append below in brief, some of the Leadership Styles:

Autocratic style leadership

· The leader centralizes authority and decision making in himself and allows very limited participation by group members.

· Results are accomplished only by the use/show of authority, fear of deprivation punishment and other punitive measures.

Participative of democratic style leadership

· Based upon substantial participation by members of the group in decision making.

· Based upon positive assumptions about subordinates. They are being consulted on problems before final decisions are made and are allow freedom to communicate with the leader and also with their fellow subordinates

Free rein/free-run style leadership

· The leader depends largely upon the group and its members to establish their own goals and make their own decisions.

· Leader is passive and assume the role of just another member of the group.

· Broad limits and objectives are established whereby members are given almost total freedom to work within such limits to accomplish objectives.

Bureaucratic style of leadership

· Leader makes rules and specific procedures to govern the conduct of subordinates for work performance.

· Leader is rule centered. He or she shows slavish adherence to rules. Violation of rules and procedure is not tolerated and thus punished.

· Prevalent style in government offices

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