Types Of Selection Tests Or Methods

Selection is the process of gathering information about applicants who can best do the job.

Some of the selection tests/methods used by companies are as follows:

1.   Personality Test

·        This is a test to measures the different kinds of job-related personality the applicants possess

2.  Assessment Centers

·        A place for applicants to undergo performance simulation tests that evaluate the applicants’ capability for managerial position.

3.  Specific Ability Test

·        This is a test to measures the specific kind of ability applicants have in order to perform a job well.

4.  Cognitive Ability Test

·      This is a test to measures the applicants’ ability in perceptual speed, numerical aptitude general reasoning, verbal comprehension and spatial aptitude.

5.   Work Sample Test

·         This is a test that requires applicant to perform the tasks that are actually done on the job.

6.  Biographical data

·         This is a survey that reviews applicants’ personal background and life experience.


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