Chartered accountancy and How To build Your skills to become a Chartered Accountant.

Extracted two articles from  which might interest readers who would like to pursue professional accounting course to become  chartered accountant. The ICAEW’s articles explain what is chartered accountancy and the skills that need to be acquired and personal attributes.

Read on….

” Chartered accountancy involves

  • giving professional advice to organisations on a wide range of business and finance issues.
  • Chartered accountants assume the role of business advisers, making high-level strategic decisions that aim to improve profitability and increase market share for their clients’ or their employer’s businesses.
  • Many chartered accountants also go on to use their expertise to set up businesses of their own, becoming successful entrepreneurs.
  • As well as financial reporting, taxation, auditing, forensic accounting, corporate finance and insolvency, accountants are expected to have a solid foundation in business, marketing, economics, finance, management and information systems.

ICAEW also recommends the following to build up the skills as they believed that there is more  to being a chartered accountant than academic ability. Your skills help you stand out from the crowd and make you more employable. And once employed, can help your career progress.

The skills most in demand by employers include:

  • communication
  • commercial awareness
  • team work and co-operation
  • numeracy
  • leadership and self management

As well as these key skills, training organizations are also looking for a number of other personal attributes. The following will be useful to think about when planning your applications and preparing for interviews: personal motivation and commitment, creativity and flexibility, planning and organization and problem solving. ”

[ see many more articles on details of accounting careers /profession]

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