Content Page On Basic Accounting Concepts, Principles and Regulatory Framework

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Accounting Period Concept               Business Entity Concept   


Consistency Concept                         Dual Aspect Concept


Full Disclosure Concept                     Going Concern Concept


Historical Cost Concept                      Matching Concept  


Materiality Concept                             Money Measurement Concept                   


Prudence Or Conservative Concept    Substance Over Form

More on Materiality concept

Understand the difference between Accounting And Bookkeeping

Understand What Is An Accounting Cycle

Understand the difference between Capital And Revenue Expenditure

Understand the difference between Capital Receipts And Revenue Receipts


Explain the alternative bases of measurement used to measure the assets and liabilities in the Balance sheet
 Summary of Accounting Assumptions, Principles and Constraints
Basic bookkeeping double entry on dealing with withdrawals by owner

Some consider goodwill as a fictitious asset.Do you think this statement is correct?

Accounting treatment of opening and closing balances of stocks of a company

In Accounting, explain which is recoverable amount


What are the accounting treatment and give examples of non adjusting events after the balance sheet date

Explain what are the underlying accounting principles that at least need to be follow when presenting financial statements under frs 101


Explain what is the difference between income and revenue


Understand the difference between Cash Basis Accounting And Accrual Method Of Accounting

Understand the difference between Profit and Cash Concept

Simple Illustration of Profit and Cash concept

Understand What is Changes In Accounting Policies

Understand What is Accounting Fundamental Errors

Understand the difference between Change In Accounting Estimates and Change in Accounting Policies

Understand the difference between Principle Based And Rule Based Accounting Standards

 Understand the difference between Fair Value and Historical Cost

Understand the term “Discontinued Operation And Contingencies”


Financial Accounting Test FA No.1 On Accounting Concepts/Regulatory Framework


Financial Accounting Test FA No.2 On Accounting Concepts/Regulatory Framework


Answer To Financial Accounting Test FA No 1 and No. 2 On Accounting Concepts/Regulatory Framework


Financial Accounting Test FA No.3 on Accounting Concepts/Regulatory Framework



   Answer to Financial Accounting Test FA No.3 on Accounting   Concepts/Regulatory Framework


Financial Accounting Test Question FA No.4 On Accounting Concept/Regulatory Framework


Answer to Financial Accounting Test Question FA No. 4 On Accounting Concept/Regulatory Framework


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