Accounting Careers

Do you want to have a career in Accounting?

Do you have the skillsets, talents or ethnical standards? Or what about the qualification, understanding challenges of this profession, the nature of work role and others ?

Don’t just jump into the bandwagon without knowing what it entails.

Hopefully the following notes below can assist you have a better understanding of the accounting careers you might be embarking on.


  1. Job Option / Major Fields Accounting Applies
  1. Accounting Skill-sets & Talents
  1. Working Condition/Hours ,Qualifications and Advancement
  1. Salary Range & Job Outlook
  1. Ethnical Conducts & The Accountants
  1. Related Occupations
  1. A Survey of the Ten Most Important Work Activities Performed by Accountants

8. Challenging Role Of The Accountant

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