Examples Of Learning & Growth Perspectives Key Performance Indicators in a Balanced Scorecard

There are four (4) components in a Balanced Scorecard which are:

  • Financial
  • Customer
  • Internal Process
  • Learning and Growth

Append below are some examples of the Learning & Growth Perspectives Key Performance Indicators:


  1. Employee participation
  2. Training hours per employee
  3. Average years of service
  4. Absenteeism
  5. Turnover rate
  6. Employee suggestions
  7. Employee satisfaction index(No)
  8. Employee’s view(empowerment index)(No)
  9. Shareof employees below age X(%)
  10. Non-product-related expense/customer/year($)
  11. Ratio of new products(less than X years old) to full company catalogue(%)
  12. Near misses
  13. Accidents
  14. Value added per employee
  15. Diversity rate
  16. Work – Life Balance
  17. Employee productivity
  18. Cross – training
  19. Health promotion
  20. Personal goal achievement
  21. Leadership development
  22. Knowledge management
  23. Ethics violations
  24. Cross-functional assignments
  25. Problem solving teams
  26. Learning rate
  27. R&D expense($)
  28. R&D expense/total expenses(%)
  29. IT Development expense/IT expense(%)
  30. Hours, R&D(%)
  31. R&D resources/total resources(%)
  32. Investment in training/customers(No)
  33. Investment in research($)
  34. Investment in new product support and training ($)
  35. Investment in development of new markets($)
  36. Direct communications to customers/year(No)
  37. Patents pending(No)
  38. Average age of company patents(No)
  39. Suggested improvements/employee(No)

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