Major Role or Function or Activities Of Personnel or Human Resource Department


Major Role or Function or Activities Of Personnel or Human Resource Department


  • Manpower planning ( determine and quantify future manpower requirements, linked to organization objectives, requires both external and internal information for planning, for short and long term view)


  • Recruitment, selection, interviewing


  • Induction(new employees with information to function effectively in the organization)


  • Training ( maintaining and improving current job performance)

  • Re-training and counseling

  • Education and development (develop skills for future jobs)


  • Industrial relations

  • Remuneration and incentive

  • Pension and superannuation schemes

  • Health, safety, welfare


  • Gathering Statistical data both for internal and external use.


  • Job evaluation(assessment of the job to set proper salary, review grade structure ,etc,.)


  • Staff appraisal (determine the quality of staff, identify of potential staff for promotion, confirm suitability for promotion.)

  •  Provides salaries and wages Budget information


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