Approved Training Organization (ATO) or Approved Employer Accreditation Scheme/Programme in Malaysia

Although, it is a common place to do articleship in auditing firm whether it is big accounting four and affiliates or reputable auditing firm, some however choose to article/work in another “stream” namely those commercial organisation who obtained the approval from the professional bodies like MICPA or ACCA to act as Approved Training Organization or under their Approved Employer Accredition Programme

See my other blog on the benefits to employers on being accredited in Approved Employer Program or as Approved Training Organization.

Meanwhile, append below some topic which might interest those who wish to article in these Approved Employers whether it is in MICPA or ACCA :



MICPA’s Approved Employer

  • Training Schemes
  • List of Approved Training Organizations where you can apply to




ACCA Malaysia Approved Employer

Details Of Employer Approved Scheme

Employers Which ACCA Partnered With



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