Examples Of Financial Perspectives Key Performance Indicators in a Balanced Scorecard

There are four (4) components in a Balanced Scorecard which are:

  • Financial
  • Customer
  • Internal Process
  • Learning and Growth

Append below are some examples of the Customer Perspectives Key Performance Indicators:



  1. Total assets($)
  2. Total assets/employee($)
  3. Revenues/total assets(%)
  4. Revenues from new products or business operations($)
  5. Revenues/employee($)
  6. Profits/total assets(%)
  7. Profits from new products or business operations($)
  8. Profits/employees($)
  9. Return on net assets($)
  10. Return on total assets(%)
  11. Return on capital employed(%)
  12. Return on equity (%)
  13. Return on Investment(%)
  14. Cash flow ($)
  15. Return on investment (%)
  16. Total costs($)
  17. Revenue($)
  18. Gross Margin($)
  19. Net Income($)
  20. Profit as % of sales
  21. Economic Value Added
  22. Compound Growth Rate
  23. Dividends
  24. Market Value
  25. Share Price
  26. Earnings per share
  27. Credit rating
  28. Debt
  29. Debt to equity
  30. Accounts receivable turnover
  31. Days in Inventory


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