The Superbrand Organization/International

In earlier article, we have understood that brands are a company’s most important asset. It is not just a name, logo, trademark or a design. Each brand carries its own unique set of emotional relationships with its clients. Strong brands can shift supply and demand curves, provide leading market penetration, high profitability, long-term stability, and … Read more

Branding In Relation To Marketing

Many companies are now using power of branding ( the higher the valued placed, the better the positioning would be ) in the critical marketing area. It is increasingly seen as an effective tool in aiding marketing management which might includes: BRANDING AND MARKETING Resource allocation Once a brand is valued in either an individual … Read more

Branding In Relation To Accounting

The usage of brand valuation can be categorized as: in accounting or marketing purpose Below looks at the accounting angle: BRANDING AND ACCOUNTING If we examine brand valuation in terms of accounting, we have to relate it back to the following areas like Balance sheet reporting; Tax Planning; Licensing & Franchising; Mergers & acquisition; Litigation … Read more

Methods of Valuation of Brand

There are a number of different ways to value a brand. This includes the following: COST This cost method looks at gathering/collating all the costs that were incurred in creating a brand or what it might cost to recreate a brand hypothetically. However, this method is very rarely used as it does not reflect the … Read more

The Importance Of Brand As Part of Business Strategy

One of utmost important business strategy is branding. Management recognize the importance of creating a brand or sustaining a brand. They realize that brands are typically a company’s biggest asset and the bigger the asset, the bigger the company. Incidentally, this is evidenced by the surveys of top brands. The top brands are associated with … Read more

Balanced Scorecard In Relation To Company’s Customers

Companies which set up Balanced Scorecard are able to service the customers better due to the following reasons: Usefulness Of Balanced Scorecard knowing customer expectations “up front”, establishing strategies and goals consistent with these expectations, translating these strategies and goals into achievable action plans, providing goals that can be measured. Click here to go to … Read more

Examples Of Learning & Growth Perspectives Key Performance Indicators in a Balanced Scorecard

There are four (4) components in a Balanced Scorecard which are: Financial Customer Internal Process Learning and Growth Append below are some examples of the Learning & Growth Perspectives Key Performance Indicators: EXAMPLES OF LEARNING & GROWTH KPI Employee participation Training hours per employee Average years of service Absenteeism Turnover rate Employee suggestions Employee satisfaction … Read more

Examples Of Internal Process Perspectives Key Performance Indicators in a Balanced Scorecard

There are four (4) components in a Balanced Scorecard which are: Financial Customer Internal Process Learning and Growth Append below are some examples of the Internal Process Perspectives Key Performance Indicators: EXAMPLES OF INTERNAL PROCESS KPI On-Time Delivery Administrative expense/total revenues(%) Administrative expense/customer($) Average Lead Time(No) Contracts filed without error (No) Lead time, product development(No) … Read more

Examples Of Financial Perspectives Key Performance Indicators in a Balanced Scorecard

There are four (4) components in a Balanced Scorecard which are: Financial Customer Internal Process Learning and Growth Append below are some examples of the Customer Perspectives Key Performance Indicators: EXAMPLES OF THE FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVES KPI   Total assets($) Total assets/employee($) Revenues/total assets(%) Revenues from new products or business operations($) Revenues/employee($) Profits/total assets(%) Profits from new … Read more