Major Role or Function or Activities Of Personnel or Human Resource Department

  Major Role or Function or Activities Of Personnel or Human Resource Department   Manpower planning ( determine and quantify future manpower requirements, linked to organization objectives, requires both external and internal information for planning, for short and long term view)   Recruitment, selection, interviewing   Induction(new employees with information to function effectively in the … Read more

Name the 5C’s of Communication

5C’s of Communication Clarification –straight forward and logical Completeness-see things from the perspective of recipient Conciseness-do away with unnecessary Concreteness-avoid abstract idiomatic terminology Correctness-flawless use of communication technique

Oral Communication-The Advantages And Disadvantages

Advantages of Oral Communication Direct medium Immediate feedback Instant interchange More persuasive Team spirit Control over time, place,etc Disadvantages of Oral Communication Time consuming No evidence Difficulty to arrange Not all can persuade

Written Communication-The Advantages And Disadvantages

Advantages of Written Communication Can relay to all at the same time Permanency Lengthy and complex messages Provide analysis, evaluation,etc Added emphasis for oral messages Disadvantages of Written Communication Varying interpretations Time required More formal and distant Delayed reaction Impossible to change once transmitted

What Is Collective Bargaining And The Advantages And Disadvantages of Collective Bargaining.

What is Collective Bargaining A  process of bargaining in groups as opposed to bargaining individually Ultimately leading to an agreement between the group of staff/ workers and management. This agreement covers the conditions of the employees, pay rates/holiday/overtime/ bonus, etc, hours of works, shift arrangements, length of holidays, subsidized facilities and others. Advantages of Collective … Read more

What Are The Sources Of Recruitment

Sources of recruitment: External advertisement like newspaper, magazine, journals or periodicals, local radio Employment agencies Notice boards Tertiary institutions like local colleges and universities Consultancy firm( head hunters) Exhibitions like career or jobs exhibition Overseas recruitment missions.

How do we measure the Effectiveness of Training

It is difficult to “quantify” the effectiveness of training. However, some of the following measurement criteria are deploy by some organizations to assess the effectiveness of training: Improved production performance Less quality problems Higher staff morale Less absenteeism Better leadership Better communication and feedback Better decision making Less complaints Improved production environment.

The Function or Role Of Purchasing Department And The Major Purchasing Activities In A Company

FUNCTION/ROLE OF A PURCHASING DEPARTMENT To buy at the right time, right price and right terms Ensuring the continuity  of supply Selection and evaluation of suppliers/vendors Aware of long-term and short term effects Preserving and enhancing reputation of company Aware of all supply options Maintain stock level MAJOR PURCHASING ACTIVITIES Obtaining and analyzing quotations of … Read more

Reasons, When And When Not To Delegate Duties

Delegation is the assignment of a task, responsibility and /or authority by a manager to a subordinate. Refer earlier article on the process of delegation. Below set in summary the reasons, when and when not to delegate:- REASONS TO DELEGATE Work can then be fairly distributed; Shorter time to achieve objectives; Managers released from operational … Read more