Explain briefly what is Classical Economics

Classical Economics Definition: Relates to the economic thought of the period from mid-eighteen to the mid-nineteenth century. Mainly from United Kingdom Major practitioners were Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, Say, Serion and J.S. Smith

Explain briefly what is Circular Flow Of Income.

Circular Flow Of Income Definition:- Refers to the flow of payments and receipts between domestic firms and domestic households. Money pass from households to firms in return of goods and services produced by the firms and money passes from firms to household in return for the factor services provided by households. The money value of … Read more

What are the Principles of Written Communication

PRINCIPLES of Written Communication Purpose Inform Instruct Persuade Build goodwill Content Subject matter Receiver’s level of knowledge Receiver’s level of need Structure Unique to each media Introduction, body, conclusion Style Sender’s and receiver knowledge Choice of words Sentence structure Paragraph construction Layout Unique to each written media

Forms In Written Communication. Factors to consider when Designing and putting Instruction On Forms and the Framing Of Questions

Forms are often used in written communication as it is a good communication tool. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors affecting the designing, instructions and framing of question in the forms. Factors to consider when designing of Forms for written communication: Logical order Complete Easy to us and understand Outlook and space Size, … Read more

What factors to consider when designing packaging for a product(Part 2)

Earlier article describe the importance and the functions of packaging, below describe the factors to consider when designing the packaging for a product: What image is sought? Who are the targeted consumers- general mass/lower /upper class/child/parent/teenagers? Should family packaging be used? Should a standard package be used globally? Factors like convenience, dependability and prestige? What … Read more

Basic Difference Between Selling And Marketing Philosophies

We have been hearing words like selling and marketing. These two words were used by some as interchangeable. Let’s look at the concept/philosophies of selling and marketing so as to be able to differentiate them: SELLING MARKETING Sales oriented Consumer oriented Output “ sold” to consumers Market research determines output One-way process Two-way process(interactive) Short-run … Read more